Health & Fitness

Since its the new year and all I thought it was the perfect time to think about my health and fitness routine, which as of late has been pretty non-existent. I used to walk for almost two hours every day to work and back but I recently gave up my day job to concentrate on my creative workshops and my homeware business. Now I work at home, the perfect breeding ground for weight gain and laziness.

FYI I am  in no way lazy when it comes to work but I was finding it hard to motivate myself to leave my desk and do some exercise. When you're self employed it is very easy to think "I could go for a walk... or I could get this work done",  a stupid thing to consider when your health may be affected. Last week I started doing exercises in the morning pretty much as soon as I get out of bed. I now feel super energized and ready to face heavy work days. I do a workout everyday switching between HIIT regimes and Low Impact Cardio which is doing an amazing job so far. I'm thinking about throwing in some weight training as well, but we'll see. 

I just wanted to show you guys some great recipes, workouts, products and tips if you were also thinking about getting healthy. I have collected lots of links below so please do take a look and let me know if you would like to see more health focussed posts in the future.