What I Packed in our Hospital Bag - Calm Birth
I’ve been asked a few times over on Instagram to share what I’ve put together for myself and the baby for our stay in hospital. Simon and I are really hoping for a calm, natural water birth at our local birthing centre. We don’t like the idea of medicalised births but understand that sometimes interventions need to take place, with all that in mind here’s what I’ve packed for our calm birth.
A little selection of our baby things, and my bump at 38 weeks!
I’ve opted for the absolute basics in terms of baby outfits, there’s really no point packing all the fancy baby clothes as all they’ll need is something comfy, warm and clean. I’ve actually packed a lot more stuff for me as I’ll be the one going through all the tiring labour and I wanted to create a “spa” like experience if that’s at all possible!
I’ve listed absolutely everything below but the little moodboards show some of the exact items I’m packing for myself and baby girl.
Nightshirt // cosy socks // calming mist // cotton facecloths // lip balm // toothpaste // toothbrush // slippers // almond oil (that’s what I use as a moisturiser)
For me
Birth plan
Medical notes
My own pillow
Light dressing gown
Button down nightshirt (if its colder)
Strappy cotton maternity nightie (if it’s warmer)
Maternity bras
A few breast pads
Really big comfy knickers
Maternity pads
Cooling perineum pads
Headphones (so I can play calming music)
Phone & charger
Portable speaker & charger
Toothbrush & toothpaste
Shampoo & conditioner
Lip balm
Hair bobbles & grips
Lavender spray (for calm vibes!)
Lavender and ravensara essential oils (these bliss me out so much)
Flannel x 2 (these are to keep me cool and so I can pop some essential oils on them)
Comfortable clothes to leave the hospital in
Swaddle // eco nappies // sleepsuit // hat & blanket set // baby vests // water wipes // car seat // muslins
For the baby
Nappies x 20
Wet wipes (we’re using eco friendly water wipes)
Plain cotton blanket
Cute patterned swaddle (for her first photo)
Cotton hat & scratch mitts
Patterned sleep suit
Plain sleep suit
Plain white vests x 2
Short sleeved baby grow (if it’s hot)
Cardigan (if it’s cold)
Muslins x 3
Car seat
I hope you found this list useful! You may want to buy different baby bits if you don’t share my style but my main tip is to keep most of the things really simple and unisex, perhaps pack one or two special things incase you want to take photos at the hospital. For me, it was important that I pack some really nice pampering things for me to use to help me feel relaxed and well looked after.
Best of luck with your birth!
Hi I'm Nancy!
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