Wellbeing & Happiness

I think it's fair to say that we all feel a bit lost sometimes. Trying to grasp at what makes us feel at peace, fulfilled or happy when we're down is a natural response but this can actually push those good feelings further away. Recently, I've being trying to realise what makes me feel fulfilled but at the moment the path seems to have faded a little.  It's time to reflect and let my gut guide me to a new place. Maybe it's because spring feels as though it's just around the corner, a time for new beginnings, life, colour and warmth after the coolness of the winter. Or maybe it's just time for another challenge or change.

I think it's so important to allow yourself some quiet time to really think about the things that make you feel the most happy and relaxed. We all crave those feelings from time to time and as I'm getting married in five months I've been focussing on what's important to me more than ever before. So this afternoon on my sofa I decided to write a list of everything I love (excluding family as that's a no brainer to me!) here's my list and I encourage you to write your own.

A List of Things That Make me Happy or Feel Fulfilled:

1. Dogs (such an easy choice for me)
2. Great food and eating out at restaurants
3. Going to museums and galleries
4. Learning new things, going to workshops
5. Being with friends
6. Going to the pub with Simon, sketchbook in hand
7. Walking in the countryside
8. Trees (I know it's a little odd but they blow my mind)
9. Drawing or painting
10. Creative writing or poetry
11. Watching Studio Ghibli movies
12. Running in the woods or park
13. Reading
14. Being kind
15. Watching live music or theatre

In the same line of making sure you do something that you love we also all need a little bit of self care and attention. When I'm feeling down I find myself at the health food store staring at the essential oils or natural skin care products for a little pick me up. I've used the brand Nathalie Bond for a while now and their new orange and cedarwood range is gorgeous. There's something so uplifting and clarifying about the scent of an orange.

Something else that I love to do is explore my own backyard. I live in London, one of the most vibrant, exciting and interesting cities on the earth. Alongside visiting the various museums and galleries the city has to offer I love walking around for a few hours to explore shops, cafes, community gardens and little cobbled streets. Next time you feel lost, go and find somewhere new where you live, I promise it will help.

This week I was lucky enough to be invited along to the first floristry workshop organized by Hazel Gardiner. Arriving at her beautiful home (the first picture of this post shows her living room and beautiful flowers ) a mere 15 minute walk from me I spend a few hours with a handful of lovely ladies learning a brand new skill, bonus points and we were working with flowers and they also make me beam with happiness. I know now how to hand tie my own bouquet and I met some new people to boot.

It's so easy to feel disheartened or lost but I've learnt how important it is to sit quietly with yourself and let those bad feelings tell you what you need. I'm trying more everyday to not focus on what makes me look good / impressive / important and instead do what makes me feel the best inside. I think that this is the clearest path to wellbeing.

I hope you enjoyed reading this post, I would love to hear what you do to make yourself feel good.